VOCUS by Polaris Aero (SMS FRAT)


VOCUS by Polaris Aero is the first advanced risk assessment system integrated into FL3XX which automatically identifies the hazards and risk mitigation procedures that are most relevant to your flight.

Polaris Aero: https://polarisaero.com/
VOCUS: https://www.polarisaero.com/solutions/flightrisk

Key Features

  • Sync your Crew, Tails, and flights to your VOCUS FlightRisk
  • Automatically and instantly sync flights that are subject to Feasibility Check, and those created directly in Dispatch, to VOCUS.
  • Sync flights that have transitioned through the Sales process and moved to Dispatch to VOCUS within 10 minutes, provided they have at least one Crew member assigned.
  • Accept or reject Risk Assessments run in VOCUS directly within the FL3XX Dispatch module subject to feasibility checks.
  • Receive the number of Stop, Yield and Info items in Dispatch
    • FL3XX automatically checks for the FlightRisk Assesment on the earliest 50 flights, and manually on ad-hoc basis
      Screenshot 2025-02-28 at 10.27.25

FL3XX transmits the following data to VOCUS's FlightRisk:

  • Full flight itinerary
  • Aircraft data
  • Flight Rules and Flight Type 
  • Crew and its position
    • PIC (including Augmented Crew)
    • SIC (including Augmented Crew)
    • Cabin Crew


If you add a new Crew or new a/c to FL3XX, you must follow the below steps:

In the settings:

  1. Update your Crew: This action should be done only if a new Crew member has been created at FL3XX. Keep in mind that in order to create this Crew in VOCUS, every Crew needs to have an email address filled up in FL3XX -> Persons
  2. Update (your) Tails: This action should be done only if a new Tail has been created at FL3XX

The syncing of flight information from FL3XX to VOCUS is automatic.


Contact both VOCUS team and FL3XX Sales to activate this integration.