Remarks: type and Save, will appear in Quote – Charter Offer, below the Total Amount.
Flight Manifest Info: type and Save, will appear in the Manifest, below Flight Details.
Booking Notes: we can enable it for you, if it’s disabled. Type and Save, will appear in Dispatch – Note – Booking Notes. Dispatchers can type back and it will be visible in Sales -Booking Notes, like a chat, mostly used for manual feasibility checks.
Internal Comments: internal info. For example: the sales person who quoted this is in vacation when client replies, now another sales person can easily take it from there using these specific comments.
Select Terms & Conditions: you can create a template (name and text) in Settings > Quote Default Settings and then you can select it from the DDL (drop down list) here => it will be visible in the Charter Offer, below the Total Amount.
Payment Guarantee: internal info, you can set “safe Client” by default in Settings – Payment Conditions. The options in the DDL are not customizable.
Payment Method: internal info. The options in the DDL are not customizable.
Account Payment Conditions: internal info, can be created in Settings – Payment Conditions and can be checked for a specific Account in the Accounts panel.
Payment Status: In Dispatch, below the booking number, the line will be green if on Payment Guarantee you have “Safe Client”. If not, the line will be red, you can make it green by checking the “Paid” box.
Warning: represents the number of the unpaid invoices by this account.