Notification triggers are specific - it is possible for crew to acknowledge observed assignments, preempting the notification.
Phone and Mobile App Settings
Settings such as Do Not Disturb and Emergency mode can prevent notifications from all sources. Ensure these are not turned on.
Most smartphone operating systems allow users to control which mobile apps will be allowed to send notifications. Ensure FL3XX Crew App is allowed to send notifications.
Guide for Android
Premature Acknowledgement Before Crewing is Confirmed
This is the most common reason why crew do not receive notifications for new assignments.
In FL3XX web, dispatch/ops works across the Flight Strip, taking actions and marking each panel green (OK) as each step is finalized.
Dispatch/ops will assign crew, check for compliance, and then finalize that panel by marking it green (OK). Before the panel is finalized, the panel is red (DO).
⚠️ Notifications are not sent to crew until the crew panel is marked green (OK). This gives dispatch/ops space to check different crewing options without sending crews repeat notifications.
💡 It is possible for crew to observe a not-yet finalized assignment in their calendar and open it, prompting the option to acknowledge. If crew acknowledges the flight before the crewing panel is marked green (OK), they will not receive a notification, even when the status is updated.
Crew panel status in FL3XX Web, red (DO):
Crew panel status in Crew App, red (DO):
Observing & acknowledging a non-finalized assignment:
Troubleshooting Tips
- After acknowledging an assignment, check to see if its Crew section is colored red in the Crew App. If red, you have likely acknowledged the assignment before crewing was finalized (which is not harmful, but preempts notifications).
- As a test, ask your dispatch/ops team to assign you to a trip and mark the crew panel green (OK) right away. You should receive a notification in this circumstance.