How to enter and manage Maintenance Event Lists

In this short article we will discuss how to add Maintenance Event List items, what options you have and how the added data helps in flight operations

To access the Maintenance Event List go to the Aircraft record and at the top of the page select the Maintenance section.

Under the Maintenance Event List. like everywhere in the system you see the + Add Event, click on it and a new item comes up.

How to enter and manage Maintenance Event Lists

The following fields need, or can be filled with the needed data:

  • Description: add the description of the job here, it can also be a CAMP code
  • Profile Type: select the component that the job applies on, such as the airframe, APU, engine, propeller
  • Task Type:  select an item from the drop down menu, this field is not mandatory
  • Update Type: this field determines whether we show a calendar, cycles, or landings related due
  • Last Update: based on the previous selection we either show a calendar, or a free numeric field and a drop down menu where you can select on which component this item applies, such as airframe hours, engine cycles, or APU related items. Please note that in case of an AD you can switch between calendar and cycles, landings, hours
  • Remaining: based on the next field values the system auto calculates the remaining days, cycles, landings, or hours
  • Due Every: if you add a value here and just update the Last Update field, the system will auto calculate the rest of the line item
  • Next Due: add here either the next date, or the cycles, landings, hours when the next job due on the component
  • Max Next Due: if the Next Due can be extended, add the value here
  • Save the data

There is two line items that the system auto creates and after the initial creation maintains in the system

  • The VOR check. If in

    the Operational / Systems section the VOR Check is selected and in Dispatch / Post Flight the crew fills out the VOR fields, the system auto creates a line item with the details and the next due. When the next time the crew performs the check the system will auto update the line item

  • The FMS update. When the crew in Dispatch / Post Flight checks the FMS Update checkbox for the first time, the system will create a related line item and will update whenever the crew checks the related update field. Due to the FMS update cycles, the system adds a 28 days expiration of the item

How the Maintenance Event List helps the dispatch work:

The system in Dispatch / Aircraft shows maintenance events for the next 50 days, 30 cycles and 60 hours, to keep the list manageable.  The system counts on the booked schedule and shows a predication of the planned maintenance status of the aircraft on the particular flight. This helps to dispatch to foresee upcoming potential maintenance events during a trip.

How the Maintenance Event List helps the dispatch work:


If you are using the Flight Release feature and a flight is Released and did not take off, or did not land and/or has a Post Flight pending the system would give you a warning that any editing of the line items would Unrelease the flight

Please note that recently we added an Edit button to the front of the line items, see below:
