In the Flight Strip, the initials of the current assignee are displayed.
The panel contains the following fields/functions:
- Separate conversations by a panel
- you can see all incoming emails based on panels of handling, hotac, transport, and catering in one place
- All Flight Info: Recap of all flight information
- All Flight Documents: Recap of all documents that were produced for this flight
- Send Everything: Send an email with All Flight Info and All Flight Documents from the system
- Send Customer Update: Send an email with the Dispatch Status of all Checklist items from the system
- Release History: the full release history of a flight with the name of the user and the timestamp
- History: Full log of any action that has been performed on this flight
- Conversation: Full email history of all outgoing and incoming emails concerning this flight
On the right-hand side of the Flight Strip, all the notes are displayed.
We indicate with "..." when a note is too long to fit in the field and is truncated. Hover on the note to see the full text.
Edit Flight / Revised
Edit Flight
By clicking next to the booking number, you can edit Flight and Booking Details.
- When some relevant flight item (e.g. the departure time, crew (including crew documents, pax etc) is changed, all requested/confirmed services are switched to Magenta. Magenta is the colour for REVISED throughout the system.
- For each service, you should check, whether it is still up to date or needs to be updated. If it is still ok, click the magenta jelly and it disappears.
- If it only is a minor change, and you are sure that the services will still be ok, you can remove all jellies by clicking the big magenta jelly all the way to the right.