Crew Positions Authorized to Perform Landings

In the FL3XX app, several crew positions are authorized to perform aircraft landings. These positions, along with their respective responsibilities and privileges, are outlined below:


  1. Pilot in Command (PIC): The Pilot in Command, also known as the Captain, is the final authority and is responsible for the safe operation of the aircraft during all phases of flight, including landing.
  2. Second in Command (SIC) or First Officer: The Second in Command is the co-pilot who assists the Pilot in Command. They are also fully qualified pilots and can perform landings under the supervision and delegation of the Pilot in Command.
  3. Augmented PIC: In certain operations involving long-haul flights or extended flight duty periods, an additional pilot may be designated as the Augmented PIC. This pilot is qualified to act as the Pilot in Command and can perform landings when relieving the primary PIC.
  4. Augmented SIC: Similar to the Augmented PIC, an Augmented SIC is an additional pilot who can perform the duties of the Second in Command, including landings, during relief periods.
  5. Check Airmen: Check Airmen are qualified pilots who conduct proficiency checks and evaluations for other pilots. As part of their duties, they may perform landings during these evaluation sessions.
  6. Instructors: Flight instructors are responsible for providing training to pilots, including supervised landings during training sessions.

In the FL3XX Crew app, authorized crew members can log landings performed during a flight. This is typically done by the Pilot in Command (PIC) or the Second in Command (SIC) who was the "Pilot Flying" during the landing phase.

It's important to note that while multiple crew positions may be authorized to perform landings, there are standard operating procedures and protocols that determine who will be the designated "Pilot Flying" and "Pilot Monitoring" for any given approach and landing. This role assignment is coordinated between the crew members based on factors such as flight conditions, crew experience, and operational requirements.

By logging landings in the Crew app, the FL3XX system can accurately track and maintain records of each crew member's landing experience and recency, which is crucial for maintaining proficiency and compliance with regulatory requirements.