Adding Flights and Trips Efficiently Based on Your Company Profile
The CFD product supports all types of corporate flight departments, from single-aircraft operations to complex multi-aircraft setups including those that require pre-booking approvals.
Operations not requiring pre-booking approvals:
Flights or bookings can be added in multiple ways: via the Timeline, the Dispatch module, or the Trip page.
Operations that require pre-booking approvals:
On the Trips page, you can create a flight, send the planned itinerary to the requestor and then send an approval request to the designated approver. Once you receive the approval in the system, the trip can be booked.
Complex Operations with Invoicing needs
When the trip is booked and aircraft has pricing you can send an invoice of the trip, including the related expenses.
Trip Creation:
- Select the customized workflow according to the required operation type (FL3XX can handle both 91 and 135 flights).
- Select the Aircraft.
- Select the Department or Account that orders the trip and the related person's with their characteristics will be auto-populated.
- Create the schedule, and once added you will have the choice how to proceed with the trip
- If no approval is required, the trip can be booked immediately.
The Workflow Options
Planning / Multi Planning:
Once the trip is saved, you have two options:
- Send a Planning Email – Send a planning document and email directly to the requester.
- Create a New Version – Use the Create Version button to generate a copy of the original trip. You can modify this version as needed and repeat the process for additional versions. All versions can be sent in a single email using one template.
In the Approval step, you can send an approval request to the designated authorizer. Once approved, the authorizer can submit the signed document directly into FL3XX.
When booked, the trip becomes visible for the dispatchers as a confirmed flight allowing them to work on the different services and tasks.
This step is optional and can be removed from the workflow. If enabled, the confirmation will include the itinerary, crew and PAX names, booked services, and schedule.
If your company issues invoices for corporate flights, a standard invoice can be generated. If you require additional invoices please contact FL3XX Sales.
Decline, Drop & Cancel
You can send a decline, drop, or cancellation email to the requester and authorizer detailing the reason for the action. A reason must be provided for the action, and the decline, drop, or cancellation reasons can be customized to fit your needs.
Adding Crew, PAX and Services to the Trip
If you want to add crew, PAX and services at any stage of the trip creation, open the Flight Details and click on the Flight Strip item you wish to modify.
On the Trip page, before booking the trip, you can add crew and PAX and apply them to all legs as needed. Additionally, you can prepare required services, specify their details for each flight, and initiate Slot/PPR and permit requests.
Once the trip is booked you can request and confirm those services on the Dispatch or Timeline page.
All other trip related tasks can be done in the Timeline, or in Dispatch.